My Mister, Lee Sun-Kyun

Life is an intricate dance between inner and outer forces. This is vividly illustrated in the K-Drama, " My Mister 나의 아저씨". This drama spotlights the power of resilience against life's relentless challenges, exposing our universal struggle. The cinematography paints a perfect visual representation of the somber undertones of this story. How do we navigate through life when the tide turns tumultuous, the horizon bleak, and the sky formidable? This series ushers us on a raw journey alongside Dong-hoon and Jian as they endeavor to orient themselves in a world that is often cruel and complex.

A special bond blossoms between these two struggling characters. Regardless of their different ages and social standing, they share a common language of pain and struggle. Jian, haunted by a traumatic past and ensnared by debt, is searching for a way out. Dong-hoon is grappling with the grief of an unfaithful spouse and the indignity of a belittling boss. They are both adrift in life. 

Jian and Dong-hoon face their struggles in distinct ways. Jian employs her wits and inside knowledge to exploit people's selfish desires, effectively blackmailing them, all in a bid to gain financially. Her survival is teetering on the edge, living in a world marred by despair and abuse. On the other hand, Dong-hoon finds solace in the company of his brothers and in the temporary relief of drinking at his neighborhood pub. Even though he is nestled in a supportive community, his inner turmoil consumes his thoughts.  He is struggling to get by.

As I immersed myself in this drama during the spring of 2024, I did not know the actor playing Dong-hoon. I connected with this character.  His words reverberated within my spirit. There was something powerful in the message shared by this actor that I couldn’t shake. His face seemed so familiar, one I knew I had seen before. As the series drew to a close, I started some research.  The subject was so moving I knew I wanted to make it the focus of one of my blog posts.  Amidst my research, a news article caught my attention. I was aware of the tragedy that unfolded in Seoul on December 27,  2023, yet, I had failed to connect the dots.   The realization hit. I sank into tears, overwhelmed with a moment of grief.  How could it possibly have been him?

While the final episode of “My Mister” left me satisfied with the positive life changes both Dong-hoon and Jian experienced, a real-life trauma was about to unfold. In tragic irony, the actor who played Dong-hoon faced an unforeseen and challenging period in his life that proved overwhelming.  In December 2023, the news surfaced. Following accusations of marijuana usage, Lee Sun-Kyun ended his life, a reflection of the intense pressures faced by public personas in a country with stringent expectations. It leads us to ask - how could someone so revered and accomplished fail to overcome this challenging ordeal? If Lee Sun-Kyun, with all of his talent and success, was unable to overcome, then what hope is there for us?

In “My Mister”, Lee Sun-Kyun plays an architectural engineer.  An architectural engineer’s job is to fortify buildings, ensuring their resilience and ability to withstand the toughest storms. This K-drama was themed around principles of enduring strength and resilience, tragically foreshadowing the very message Lee Sun-Kyun would soon require.

The Power Within
"Life, in a way, is a struggle between internal and external forces... No matter what happens, you'll be able to withstand anything if you have sufficient internal forces." Dong-hoon, My Mister

A profound truth lies in this quote.  We must have a spirit will that is strong enough to withstand life’s great pressures.  So often we look for superficial strength.  Yet, the richest, most intelligent, or most successful people aren't necessarily the strongest. Truth be told, the outer appearance of a person neither dictates their strength nor their inner resilience. It is not about worldly possessions or physical attributes. Perseverance is about the undying, persistent power of the inner Spirit.

Those who uncover the deep-seated fulfillment of spiritual riches find the secret to overcoming life’s hardships.  Lee Sun-Kyun had everything, he attained a level of worldly success many of us will only dream about but yet, it wasn’t enough to see him through his storm.

In physics, energy can be categorized into two main types: potential and kinetic. Potential energy, simply put, is energy that is stored and not yet in use. On the other hand, kinetic energy is energy that is actively in motion. To distinguish between the two Tara Energy puts it brilliantly, "the key difference between potential and kinetic energy lies in the fact that one represents ‘what could potentially be’, while the other represents ‘what is’."

We are spiritual beings.  We are made of a mind, body, spirit, heart, soul, and will. Within each of us lies an unawakened soul, an untapped potential, a sleeping spiritual force.  If we live this life only as physical beings focused solely on material pursuits we will only access a fraction of what this life has to offer.  Our soul serves as a key to unlocking the spiritual realm. However, it lies in slumber, inhibited by lack of faith and sins.  Much like potential and kinetic energy, our dormant soul has the potential for a vibrant spiritual life that is capable of experiencing joy, peace, and love no matter the circumstance. But it must be awakened.

Wake Up!
How do we bring life to our slumbering spirit?
In biblical terms,  our physical bodies were given life at creation through the breath of God. “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being,” Genesis 2:7.  God gave us life through his breath at creation and conception. With the same action, our soul comes to life through the Son of God. (John 3:3-8)

“But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” (Romans 8:10-11).

Jesus gives us new life through the forgiveness of sins. This awakening is a rebirth. He awakens a new life within. It is no longer I who lives in my own strength, but Christ living in me, awakening my spirit, fortifying my will, and bringing life to my soul (Galatians 2:20). This new life produces two profound transformations that can dramatically alter our lives. It shifts our perspective and transforms our mindset.

Transformed Living
The Power of Perspective
In his suicide note, Sun-kyun left a heart-wrenching message for his wife, “there’s no other choice.”  He was under great pressure. With the external forces increasing, his thoughts were fixated on the accusations, court cases, and the ominous possibility of a ruined career.  But now, looking down at Earth, his perspective is enlighted.  If he could speak to us through the clouds, what would he say?  

Pastor and author Craig Groeschel shared this anecdote on ‘perspective’ that has always stuck with me. 

Imagine being on a beach vacation with your family, only to be greeted by a gloomy, rainy day. It's enough to test anyone's patience - who looks forward to a cold, cloudy beach day? Well, this was the situation on Pastor Craig’s last day of his summer vacation.  Despite the weather, they decided to brave the beach and salvage the day. Then, out of the blue, his 4-year-old son went missing. Fear gripped them, and calls morphed into frantic screams. Time seemed to stand still for an agonizing 10 minutes, his mind consumed with dreadful 'what ifs'. While the search was on, over the dune came a cheerful little boy with a bucket full of sand. He had been playing, hidden behind the dunes. This incident served as a turning point for Pastor Craig. The day, initially gloomy and miserable, transformed into a blissful one filled with immense gratitude. The sun never showed itself, but his heart was basking in the warmth. From then on, he savored every moment of the vacation with his family, despite the weather. The day remained the same, but his perspective underwent a significant change.

Perspective changes everything. When in a typhoon or hurricane, every moment can feel terrifying.  The wind thrashes the windows, trees crumble and the flood waters rise.  In these tense moments, the storm seems like it will never pass.  We feel doomed. Yet from the perspective of satellites, one can see the boundaries of the storm.  There is a clear beginning and end to the cloud formation.  While in the storm it can seem dark and hopeless, from a heavenly perspective the storm is moving on and will pass.  Scientifically and spiritually, a bright new day is coming.

An awakened soul gives us a new perspective. We can view problems not as unbeatable, but as stepping stones to growth. With a spiritual perspective we no longer focus on our problems, we focus on God’s power.   We begin to rely on spiritual strength, understanding that with God all things are possible. Beneath the weight of his crumbling life, trapped in a moment, Sun-kyun saw no other choice.  If only he heard God’s voice saying, “This too shall pass.”

Renew Your Mind 

During difficult seasons, time seems to stand still.  The mind feels trapped in futile thinking.  

This will never end.  How will I ever get out of this? An awakened soul encourages an eternal mindset.  With this mindset, our problems seem smaller and transient as we begin to see life as part of a greater plan.

We form thinking patterns.  These patterns are either habitually positive or negative.  That is why the bible tells us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). Even if our soul has come to life in Christ, our mind may be stuck in unhealthy patterns of the past.  To walk a new life by the Spirit, one of peace, love, and joy, we must fix our thoughts on things that are good and right.  Only right thinking can produce right living.  

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

“I am an overcomer.”

“God causes all things to work together for my good.”

The mind feeds the Spirit.  We therefore need to feed our spirits what is good.  What do we listen to? What do we watch? We can practice positive thinking by reading and memorizing the living word, the scriptures of the Bible.  Our mindset is forever changed when we walk in a relationship with God: reading his word, speaking to him, and singing his praises.  His word will change us and sustain us. 

What is our Hope?
Walking in the Spirit transforms our perspective and mindset. It activates our deepest potential, and releases the "what can be".  When we are anchored in the love of God, having the assurance he walks with us, we are stronger than ever before.  Lee Sun-Kyun's shocking passing underscores the importance of spiritual fortitude in navigating life's storms.  With Jesus as the source, the strongest inner force, all trials can be overcome.

What accusation can we face that the Lord will not walk us through it?  We may find ourselves in a dark season of life, but the Lord will be our light, our hope.  Lee Sun-Kyun had so much life left to live.  We all mourn the lost potential.  We wanted him to be the victor. We were rooting for him.  Don’t let his death be in vain.  Let his greatest impact be the message he left behind. Don't allow another moment to slip by without delving deep within yourself to uncover your inner force. What would Lee Sun-Kyun say if he could whisper through the clouds? 

Awake my soul, a beautiful new day is dawning.

Listen to ‘Awake My Soul’ WORSHIP SONG
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If you or someone you know is having thoughts of self-harm, please seek help immediately. You can find resources in the USA hereSouth Korea here or search for helplines in other countries here.


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